If you've ever even considered starting your own home-based direct sales business, Gold Canyon has the deal for you. During the month of May, you can actually
JOIN US FOR FREE!!!!! Your sampler kit is available for three payments of $24.99, and the full kit can be purchased for three payments of $49.99. But in
May only, you can get these kits for free. Simply sell $700 in 30 days for the full kit or $350 in 30 days for the sampler kit, and Gold Canyon will refund you your first month's payment, as well as the shipping! You aren't going to find a better deal out there
Now is the time to start your Gold Canyon business. It's proven that, during tough economic times, direct sales businesses continue to succeed. Earn money for vacations, to pay off bills, or make it a full-time income. Be your own boss and love your job. Join Gold Canyon today! Email me at
megan.gilpin@goldcanyon.us, and I'll help you get started, or check out my website for the "Join Us" link.