Essential oils clean as wonderfully as they smell. They have the ability to cleanse, disinfect and deodorize your home. Since ancient Greece and Rome, essential oils have been used for their cleaning, health and aromatherapy qualities. Here are just a few:
Clove – Used widely in the dental industry for its antiseptic and disinfectant qualities. Keeps insects away and kills mold.
Eucalyptus – Known for its stimulating and healing qualities as an antifungal and antiviral agent. Also known to deodorize.
Lavender – Thought to be an antifungal, antiviral floral used since Shakespeare’s time to calm, relax and deodorize.
Peppermint – Greeks and Romans crowned their heads with this mint as it was known to calm and stimulate, relieve pain, eliminate nausea and calm nervousness. Known for its anesthetic properties and cold remedy as a chest decongestant.
Rosemary – Has a reputation of energizing, stimulating and strengthening memory.
Sweet Orange – Used in fine fragrances for many years, historically as bridal decorations for the last century, it is also known to uplift and invigorate the senses.